Bechtel's 2017 Sustainability Commitment
The way we deliver projects for our customers and the world matters as much as what we deliver.

by Tam Nguyen, Global Head of Sustainability
Bechtel Highlights Commitment to Sustainability in 2017 Top CEOs Association Report. The Business Roundtable (BRT) is an association of chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies working to promote sound public policy and a thriving U.S. economy.
The report details how companies are pursuing innovative strategies to sustain and enhance the quality of life in America and around the world. Brendan underscored that “we believe it’s no longer enough to build the biggest projects in the world. We will also be known for building the best projects for the world.”
The report highlighted Bechtel’s transition to meet our new long-term goals and targets, as we unleash innovation to improve our environmental footprint and savings on projects; enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities to natural hazards; and contribute ideas to achieve the global goals around meaningful employment, modern infrastructure and affordable cleaner energy.
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