Big News From Walmart on Climate Action
By Molly Rauch via Moms Clean Air Force Blog

As originally published on Moms Clean Air
Walmart is not just a superstore, it’s the tenth largest economic entity in the world, slightly larger than the economy of Spain. So when Walmart recently announced its commitment to help reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of its suppliers by one billion metric tons, it placed the company among the ranks of global economies taking major climate action.
Laura Phillips, senior vice president of sustainability at Walmart, is one of the chief architects of this and other company sustainability efforts. A 22-year veteran of Walmart, Laura brings to her work not only deep corporate experience, but also her experience of being a mom to a ten-year-old and a 13-year-old. She also cares for two dogs, a cat, a hamster, and a horse at her Arkansas home.
Click here for Laura's complete interview via