The Blind Spot In Philanthropy

Season 2, Episode 3 of Benevity's Speaking of Purpose podcast
Nov 15, 2022 7:10 AM ET

The Blind Spot in Philanthropy

New episode from Benevity's Speaking of Purpose podcast.

In Season 2, Sona learns about Indigenous cultures and reconciliation. Together with our guests, she unpacks colonization and decolonization, explores the complex relationship between Indigenous Peoples, non-Indigenous people and corporations, and gains a better understanding of Indigenous philanthropy. Subscribe on your favourite podcast app.

Truth Before Reconciliation
Season 2, Episode 3

Guest: Lourdes Inga, Executive Director of International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP)

How deeply do you think about the way you give? How can we give in ways that are both impactful and respectful of Indigenous culture and experiences? Lourdes Inga, Executive Director of IFIP, helps us understand the complexities of Indigenous philanthropy.

Indigenous Peoples constitute the largest minority in the world, but the rate of giving to their causes is comparatively low. In this episode, we’ll explore solutions to this challenge as well as discuss Indigenous People’s self-determination and how it’s integral to the positive shifts we’ve seen in Indigenous philanthropy.

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