Blockchain for Social Impact: A Discussion Panel with Industry Leaders and Experts

What do you need to know to make successful investments in the new world of cryptocurrency and blockchain? How can you build a strategy that helps you and your investors leap ahead of the pack?
The Blockchain for Social Impact panel is set to shape a day of powerful learning at “The World Trade Center Blockchain Summer Event” on June 29 at 9:45am ET. You will learn more about innovations in the field of cryptocurrency, how blockchain is different, what to look for in blockchain investments, and what these technologies open up for entrepreneurs and investors.
The panel will feature six leading experts and key influencers in the Blockchain community:
Nathan Chandra, panelist. Founder and chief strategy officer at Buttrfly, an EOS blockchain marketplace for global influencer activations.
David Drake, panelist. Founder and chairman at LDJ Capital, a multi-family office and recognized leader in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Benoit J.P. Flammang, panelist. Co-founder with Bruno Scarselli of DiamHolding, a holding company involved with laser tagging of diamonds, and the creation of a tokenized diamond exchange and investment and financing platforms in the diamond industry.
Jeff Koyen, panelist. Entrepreneur active in crypto and blockchain as an investor and trader since 2014 and President of 360 Blockchain.
Rob Nance, panelist. Managing partner of CityBlock Capital, which recently launched NYCQ, a tokenized venture fund for investment into New York City startups.
Ryan Scott, moderator. ICO expert and CEO and Founding Partner of Chairman and founder of Causecast and +impact.
This blockchain conversation promises to be one of the most powerful of 2018. Be part of it. You can learn more online at: