Blog from Oviya: Welcome to 'Empowering Sustainability'

May 18, 2010 3:00 PM ET

Empowering Sustainability Blog

This blog post is dedicated to sharing thoughts, ideas and best practices on Sustainability. Here, we will discuss and offer solutions on:

(Organizations include companies, governments, NGO's and any other public/private entities, big or small, whose operations and actions can impact the sustenance of the planet.)   “Sustainability” is no longer just a nice, feel-good buzz word. It has redefined everything - from the way we live our everyday life, to how we conduct business in a global economy, how governments govern and how we treat others. It is imperative that we each choose to face this reality by taking our individual roles and responsibilities seriously. We must get ready to change our un-sustainable habits, become conscious of our actions, and commit to sustainable, transparent and verifiable business practices.   “Corporate Sustainability” (the focus of sustainable practices on business) is paramount because of the enormous impact the actions and operations of business have on our world. By adapting sustainable practices into every step of their operations, organizations will not only contribute to a sustainable planet but benefit in various ways such as: preventing brand damage to their brand, gaining brand value, increasing top and bottom line growth through improved public good will and more efficient operations.

Oviya Systems will enable you to:

  • Craft well defined goals to achieve sustainable business operations

  • Define a compliance program to manage, monitor and achieve those goals

  • Use appropriate tools and technologies to effectively implement and transparently manage a compliance program that results in active collaboration and accountability from all participants in the value chain

  • Produce and Publish credible and verifiable 'Sustainable Reports'

The Empowering Corporate Sustainability blog strives to look at sustainability from the organization's point of view and offers appropriate solutions to address their needs. In order provide the right solution, it is important to understand how organizations perceive sustainability, the challenges faced by them, their beliefs and disbeliefs. While organizations have a moral obligation to conduct their operations in a manner that aligns with sustainable development principles and standards, they are also entitled to benefits that will inevitably result from their commitment to sustainability. These benefits, in turn, motivate them to continue their commitment to sustainable operations. The solution, design, and implementation of any such compliance program should provide clear visibility to those benefits.   Here are a few key elements to ponder and discuss:
  • How to help companies understand their inherent responsibility towards the planet's sustenance - without any strings attached.

  • How to address company concerns around how the adaptation of sustainable business practices may impact their top and bottom line growth.

  • How to address concerns about the initial challenges of incorporating sustainable business practices into existing operations.

  • What are the best practices and standards that can help companies create a compliance program and put together a code of conduct and other appropriate specifications that will support sustainable goals?

  • How can we ensure that all the partners in a company’s operations (including employees) adhere to established standards and follow them religiously? How can people be held accountable whenever they deviate from the standards?

In what ways can we enable organizations to pick and use appropriate tools and technologies that will effectively manage, monitor and measure compliance toward sustainability goals?

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