BNY Mellon Included on Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Fourth Consecutive Year

BNY Mellon Included on Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Fourth Consecut…
BNY Mellon has maintained its leadership status in corporate social responsibility (CSR), appearing as the only U.S. diversified financial company on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fourth consecutive year. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) were the first global indices tracking the financial performance of leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide and provide an integrated assessment of economic, environmental and social criteria with a strong focus on long-term shareholder value.
“As an engine for the financial markets, we help drive global growth and prosperity,” said Jyoti Chopra, Head of Global Citizenship and Sustainability at BNY Mellon. “It’s becoming increasingly important for corporations to set policies and conduct business in ways that promote and bolster worldwide sustainability efforts.”
BNY Mellon is ranked in the 93rd percentile within its peer group of diversified financial services companies. The company received perfect scores in Business Risks and Opportunities, Climate Strategy, and in a new category measuring Policy Influence.
In 2016, the company managed $69.3 billion in assets using ESG and values-based exclusionary screens, provided $42 million in community support1, and maintained a carbon-neutral status2.
“Our CSR efforts set the foundation for a purpose-driven culture,” said Heidi DuBois, Global Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Investing at BNY Mellon. “In today’s workforce, top talent is looking for inclusive, diverse and collaborative companies that value their contributions and help them to create positive change in the world. Focusing on this purpose benefits our world and our business.”
BNY Mellon continues to be committed to creating a sustainable world where people can succeed and economies can thrive. Learn how the company is embracing five world-changing trends in our most recent CSR Report.
1Community support includes donations, grants and charitable sponsorships made by BNY Mellon and employee donations to charities that qualify for our matching program.
2 For Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions including our data centers, as well as Scope 3 business travel emissions.