Bring VolunteerMatch (and Volunteering) to the NTC Agenda
by Tessa Srebro

Originally published in "Engaging Volunteers"
I don’t mean to brag, but VolunteerMatch’s Engagement Manager Stephanie Hong ROCKS at Google AdWords.
In just a few months, she’s taken VolunteerMatch’s previously under-used Google AdWords Grant and ran with it. In June 2015, she:
- Increased traffic from Google AdWords by 12%.
- Increased new users by 9.4%.
- Increased Nonprofit Registration by 64%!
- Decreased bounce rate by 20%.
Do you have a Google AdWords Grant but don’t know where to start? Or have you been allocating some dollars to AdWords but haven’t seen any results? Stephanie can help.
How? She’s proposed a session at NTEN’s 2016 Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) called Google AdWords Boot Camp. You’ll hear exactly what she did to boost VolunteerMatch’s Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and how you can scale this to your organization’s needs.
Help us get Google AdWords Boot Camp on the NTC agenda by up-voting Stephanie’s session proposal. If you’re not already a registered NTEN user, it only takes a few minutes to sign up (and it’s free).
While you’re there, browse and up-vote other sessions you’d like to see at the conference. With 439 proposals, you may wonder, “Where do I start?”
Well, there’s at least 7 proposals all about volunteerism, including Leveraging Expert or Technical Volunteers, Convert Volunteers into Donors (& Vice Versa) and Here, There, and Everywhere: Distance Volunteer Training.
Remember, you don’t have to go to NTC to help shape the nonprofit technology conversation. Cast your vote today.