#BSR14 Advance Registration Rates End Tuesday September 30

The advance rates deadline for the BSR Conference 2014—your last chance for discounted registration costs—is Tuesday September 30. Register today, and join us in New York November 4-6.
Learn More about #BSR14: Conference Blogs
Read up on issues related to our Inclusive Economy, Transparency, and Transformation tracks, as well as the sustainability efforts for our annual event.
Environmental Sustainability at the BSR Conference
With the BSR Conference 2014 just around the corner, we wanted to share a behind-the-scenes look at how we’ve made our annual event more environmentally sustainable. Read more →
Does Transparency Matter?
Transparency—one of the twin themes for the BSR Conference 2014—is often lauded as key to successful sustainability efforts. Here, BSR's Managing Director Dunstan Allison-Hope asks why. Read more →
What’s the True Meaning of Sustainability Transformation?
Sustainability transformation—one of the twin themes of the BSR Conference 2014—conjures up images of sweeping, dramatic change. In reality, it's the businesses that take long-term approaches to their ambitious projects that achieve the biggest changes. Read more →
Corporate Responsibility in the Age of Inequality
Today's issues require more than doing the right thing or even upholding responsibility as we define it now. At the BSR Conference 2104, we'll explore how business can help build a truly inclusive economy. Read more →
Register Now at http://bsr.bz/reg14.
Highlights from the BSR Conference 2013
"The BSR Conference remains best-in-class and strives to push hard on thought-provoking content every year."
— BSR Conference 2013 participant
Watch video highlights from last year's event, read session summaries, and check out results from our hackathon.
Connect with Us
Find the latest information at bsr14.org. Join the conversation on Twitter using #BSR14, and follow us @BSRnews.
Sponorship Opportunities
A limited number of additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Visit our website for more information.
About the BSR Conference 2014
The BSR Conference 2014 will explore how transparency can transform supply chains, energy and climate, consumer engagement, community impacts, and more, and how businesses are managing differently in a fully transparent world. Join us in New York November 4-6 to discover how transformative technologies, business models, and financial valuations can produce rapid progress on the road to a more just and sustainable future.
About BSR
BSR is a global nonprofit organization that works with its network of more than 250 member companies to build a just and sustainable world. From its offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. Visit www.bsr.org for more information about BSR’s more than 20 years of leadership in sustainability.