“Build vs. Buy” to Address Conflict Minerals Compliance: Critical Cost and Resources Considerations
Countdown to Conflict Minerals: What's Your Solution?
The 11th hour is here. Thousands of companies in retail, consumer products, electronics, automotive and other impacted industries are making decisions to tackle the issue of conflict minerals within their supply chain now that the first reporting year, which began January 1, 2013, is in full swing.
Because of the legal and financial significance of the SEC's Dodd-Frank Section 1502 due diligence and reporting requirements for conflict minerals, management across multiple industries are recommending conflict minerals compliance solutions that are sure to get Board Level attention.
The bottom line? Recommendations need to include an “all-in” cost of conflict minerals compliance for the company BEFORE presentations go to Senior Management and the Board.
Get the facts, Source Intelligence®, the leading provider of conflict minerals compliance solutions is offering a free "video-on-demand" webinar designed to help you understand critical aspects and associated costs of conflict minerals compliance.
Countdown to Conflict Minerals: What’s Your Solution?
This "video-on-demand" webinar will review detailed costs and resources required to meet Dodd-Frank Section 1502 due diligence and reporting requirements and present considerations you should make when deciding to build vs. buy. Lastly, the Conflict Minerals Consortium timeline will show why the time to choose your due diligence and reporting solution is NOW.
What You’ll Learn:
- Why spreadsheet templates and form letters are a Do-It-Yourself framework--NOT a full due diligence solution;
- Why software alone is not the answer to performing proper due diligence and reporting;
- How Source Intelligence® combines a robust technology platform with a team of supplier engagement experts to deliver a complete, Dodd-Frank 1502 compliance solution—that’s insured and guaranteed up to $25MM;
- Why outsourcing supply chain tracing, mapping and reporting can be the smart choice for any business.
Download for the “video on demand” webinar now.
About Source Intelligence®
Source Intelligence® delivers supply chain intelligence and supplier data collection and analysis services that support regulatory compliance, sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. Experts at engaging suppliers and tracing supply chains, Source Intelligence® combines advanced data analytics with powerful visual reporting tools to help clients gain insight into operational efficiencies and spot potential exposure to risks.
Source Intelligence® combines the best of cloud-based technology with a 24/7 Supplier Engagement Team to provide clients with the scalability, flexibility and expertise needed to turn supply chain data into something both meaningful and actionable. Source Intelligence® provides a range of solutions to help you navigate the complex web of inter-relationships between suppliers across the supply chain: from Supplier Assessment and product and/or facility footprinting to regulatory compliance programs that trace restricted materials, identify banned substances or locate the origin of conflict minerals.
Source Intelligence® is headquartered in Solana Beach with additional offices in San Diego and San Francisco, CA.