Campaign Redefines Running as a Social Activity

Originally Published in the New York Times
By Andrew Adam Newman
Published July 8, 2013
ONCE perceived as largely a solitary pursuit, running today is a more social endeavor, as runners train with friends for shorter races like five-kilometer charity runs. And rather than a single-minded pursuit, running increasingly is just one aspect of participation in a Tough Mudder obstacle course competition, triathlon or boot camp-style fitness class.
Now, New Balance hopes to capture this newer ethos of running with a campaign it calls “Runnovation” that promotes running as more of a social activity and part of a training regimen.
“Redefine girls’ night out,” says the headline of one print ad that shows a group of women running in Boston at night. “Thursday night. 9:15 p.m.,” the copy continues. “Some go out. Others go out and make excellent happen. The night is yours. This is Runnovation.”