Campbell HR "Adopts" Early Childhood Development Center

Late last month, representatives of WHQ's Global HR team visited the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) in Camden to drop off gifts for families who recently experienced the loss of a parent. After enjoying a holiday program put on by the ECDC students, Bob Morrissey, Chief Human Resources Officer, announced an ongoing partnership between the WHQ HR team and the ECDC to "adopt" the school for the 2013 calendar year. The team will begin working immediately with the ECDC to understand their needs and to organize events and programs throughout the year.
Between the entertainment the kids provided, the gratitude expressed by the ECDC’s administrators and faculty, and the pleasure in knowing that we will continue to make a difference, it was truly a special morning,” said Adam Dole, Manager-HR Communications.
In addition, the HR team presented the school with a donation of $9,000. The money, raised under Campbell’s Dollars for Doers program, was based on the hard-work of the team during a Make a Difference Week event last October, which was the team's first service project with the school.