Can Trash Contain The Gulf Oil Leak?
Coast Guard says stuffing the oil gusher with garbage is “Plan B” to stem the oil flowing into the Gulf Of Mexico.
Can Trash Contain The Gulf Oil Leak?
Icy slush stalled BP’s attempt Saturday to contain the massive gulf oil spill. But BP officials, along with the U.S. Coast Guard engineers, have devised a new stuff the oil pipe with trash in an effort to clog it.
Called a “junk shot”, shredded tires, golf balls and other trash would be forced into the exploded pipe under very high pressure in an effort to stop the leak.
Is this a reuse solution -- or will we just end up with an oil gusher shooting oily old tires and golf balls into the Gulf. Don’t the wildlife already have enough to worry about? I’m just asking.
More as this develops...
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