CBRE: “Great Companies Build Trust”

CBRE: Inside Advantage | 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report
Everything we do as an industry leader depends on trust.
Not only does trust build confidence and facilitate a transparent and reliable means of communicating among our employees, it’s shown that companies who adhere to the highest set of corporate values consistently outperform those who do not. So while CBRE professionals are highly motivated to do the right thing as codified in our RISE values and Standards of Business Conduct, world-class organizations gain a distinct competitive edge when their employees deliver professional services that are based on honesty, integrity and the highest standard of ethics.
At CBRE, we conduct an annual ethics and compliance review process in every country where we operate. By performing a risk assessment, we‘re able to evaluate the likelihood of concerns or violations taking place, as well as the potential impact. This allows CBRE to get ahead of any possible issues, especially with regular ethics training required for all our employees. Combined with consistent and engaging communications, adherence to CBRE standards is framed as core to our culture and essential to our employees’ success.
To better align policies and practices worldwide, CBRE recently launched a three-year plan to organize and refine our nearly 250 global and U.S. policies. In 2015 we completed the second phase of that plan, reviewing and updating all but 71 of these policies (conclusion of the project is expected in 2016). The process has been rigorous but productive, creating a specific set of established global standards to which regional policies are inherently linked.
Key concepts underpinning our focus on trust are access and transparency. Any employee who identifies a concern related to our standards of conduct can raise it through an anonymous third-party online portal, by using our international helpline or by contacting senior leadership, Human Resources, Legal and Ethics & Compliance directly. We seek and actively encourage employees to raise concerns, as it helps to anticipate and promptly address problems in ways that support our people and improve the company’s overall business performance.
I truly believe our efforts and activities within Ethics & Compliance not only help CBRE to be more successful but ultimately make the world a better place. Our services touch every single industry; by adhering to the highest professional standards, we positively influence the conduct of our clients and suppliers, which benefits people and communities around the world.
To me, this type of trust is transformative, and it highlights the importance of our efforts in doing the right thing always.
Tyson M. Avery, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer
Learn more in CBRE’s 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report