CBRE: “We Empower People to Grow”

CBRE: Inside Advantage | 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report
At CBRE, we’ve been developing a truly global learning and development platform – a direct reflection of the company’s culture of inclusion and the role CBRE plays as a leader in the business community.
In 2015, we launched a global project that incorporated the input of experienced learning professionals in each of our regions, as well as feedback from employees and key business leaders. The goal: establish an integrated learning platform for training founded on a standardized set of governance processes, while retaining the flexibility to adapt to the unique needs of a specific region, business line or market.
Because the system is designed for local regions, by local employees, my role as LMS (Learning Management System) Lead is to act as a global curator of content, adopting an aerial view through our virtual technology to ensure the needs of our business lines are identified and the appropriate training delivered. I’m pleased to report that by the end of 2015 more than 90% of our employees gained access to the platform, where new learning content is added daily – demonstrating CBRE’s commitment to education and inspiring people to take control of their own professional growth.
What makes me most proud is the company’s ongoing progress toward becoming a genuine culture of learning, and not simply an environment where world-class training exists. Our goal is to get to a place where learning is completely natural and collaborative – something that occurs every day and is an inherent part of our commercial real estate operations. The key is to continually develop, and reinforce, the foundation on which the platform has developed in 2015, while at the same time delivering inclusive learning opportunities in every corner of the world, and in all corners of our occupied space.
The result will be a culture of learning that benefits both employees and CBRE clients, and whose diversity of individual fibers serves to strengthen the organization itself.
Gail D. Austin, Global LMS Lead
Talent, Learning & Diversity
Learn more in CBRE’s 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report.