Cenovus sponsors workshop about water usage in the oil sands
Waterlution invites young Canadians to learn about responsible development in the oil sands

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) April 28, 2011 - Young leaders from across Canada are invited to participate in Drilling in the Oil Sands, a workshop organized by Waterlution and sponsored by Cenovus, about water usage and innovative development in oil sands projects.
The residential workshop, taking place in Fort McMurray, Alberta from May 31 to June 2, 2011, encourages participants to look closely at water usage in operations, provincial government policies, engagement of First Nations and community leaders, and how these groups work collaboratively.
The workshop is part of The Future of Water Workshop Series organized by Waterlution and includes a field trip to Cenovus’s Christina Lake operations, approximately 125 km south of Fort McMurray.
This is the second Waterlution workshop that Cenovus has sponsored. The first, held in November 2010, saw 25 people from across Canada participate in frank discussions about oil sands development and managing water use. Participants represented a range of backgrounds, including lawyers, engineers, journalists, environmentalists, university students and the Aboriginal Community.
There is space for 20 individuals between the ages of 20-35 to participate. More information about the workshop is available at www.waterlution.org and the deadline for application is May 3, 2011.