CITGO Birmingham Terminal Adopts Vincent Elementary School to Fuel Education
Employees and CITGO Raise More than $1,200 for School Supplies

Vincent, Ala., Sept. 26, 2014 /3BL Media/ – CITGO Petroleum Corporation employees at the company’s terminal in Birmingham, Ala. spent their summer collecting funds to help students and teachers at Vincent Elementary School get ready for the new school year. Between fund-raising by employees and matching funds from CITGO, $1,233 was collected for basic school supplies and classroom essentials. CITGO had adopted the school earlier in the year and Vincent Elementary staff provided a “wish list” for materials they needed.
“The Vincent Elementary faculty, students and staff cannot thank CITGO and its employees enough for the generous donation. A sharpened pencil and a fresh batch of printer ink go a long way,” said Vincent Elementary Principal Linda Campanotta. “We have distributed all the donated items and they are being put to good use!”
The “fridge fund,” as it’s called at the CITGO Birmingham Terminal, is made up of proceeds from the sale of food and drink to hungry or thirsty delivery drivers and contractors. Any profit is used to support community initiatives, and this summer the money was used to supply Vincent Elementary students with markers, notebooks, pencils, crayons, paper, scissors and glue. CITGO matched the contribution with classroom donations for the teachers, including copy paper, ink cartridges, white board markers and hand sanitizer.
“I’m very proud of the fine men and women at the Birmingham terminal for representing the CITGO commitment to education,” said CITGO Vice President Rafael Gómez. “They really went above and beyond by taking the initiative to support Vincent Elementary and I’m pleased we could help them in that effort. Through this donation drive, and the many other good deeds done in the community, the Birmingham terminal has shown extraordinary support for the next generation of leaders.
Based in Houston, CITGO is a refiner, transporter and marketer of transportation fuels, lubricants, petrochemicals and other industrial products. The company is owned by PDV America, Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. For more information, visit
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