Clean Cargo Working Group Progress Report 2015

Environmental performance expectations—from customers, regulators, and consumers—continue to escalate. However, standardized data and forums that can help companies remain ahead of trends and regulation are few and far between. This report provides an update on progress of BSR’s Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG), now in its 12th year, and the annual disclosure of carbon-dioxide-emissions factors for ocean container transport collected from 3,000 vessels.
CCWG is comprised of 45 members representing 80 percent of ocean container cargo carriers and many customers. The group provides standardized methodologies to measure key environmental performance indicators and easy-to-use tools to reduce environmental impacts. In the past two years, CCWG has engaged with priority industry groups, published a report on its methodology, facilitated sharing of best practices among members, and moved to an online reporting system. The 2015 data collection shows an 8.4 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions per twenty-foot equivalent (TEU) per kilometer from the previous year, and more than 29 percent since 2009.