Companies Announce Support for SDG 14 Implementation

Originally appeared on International Institute for Sustainable Development
Albertsons Companies, one of the largest US supermarket companies, announced its support for SDG 14 by joining the Seafood Task Force and signing on to the pledge on Committing to Social Responsibility in Global Fisheries and Aquaculture, a voluntary commitment made by the private sectors, NGOs and the UN during the UN Ocean Conference.
The Seafood Task Force, a multi-stakeholder alliance that is combating human rights and environmental issues in seafood supply chains, was initially formed to address issues of forced labor, illegal fishing and human trafficking in Thailand’s seafood supply chains, and aims to serve as a model for global supply chains. Albertsons Companies has already established a Responsible Seafood Policy, which lays out standards that the top wild and farmed seafood products sold by the company are expected to meet.
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