For Companies Looking to Create Social Impact, Multicultural Consumers are a “Must-Engage” Audience
Oct 15, 2013 11:15 AM ET

Companies have long embraced corporate support of social and environmental issues to build brand relevance and consumer support, but today, marketers must evaluate new audiences as part of their efforts to create meaningful social impact. Among those new audiences are multicultural consumers – particularly Hispanics and African Americans, who, according to the 2013 Cone Communications Social Impact Study, are driving forces behind the evolution of cause to more robust social impact.
Hispanics represent one of the most actively-engaged population segments to-date and exhibit stronger inclinations to purchase cause-related products as well as participate in CSR efforts:
- 94% of Hispanics are likely to switch brands to one associated with a good cause (vs. 89% of the general U.S. population)
- 62% has bought a product with a social or environmental benefit in the past 12 months (vs. 54%)
- 82% would volunteer if given the opportunity (vs. 76%)
- 70% has already donated to causes this year (vs. 65%)
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