Conscientous Seafood Providers Educate Others

By Traci Angel
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Seafood Sustainability Highlights at Albertsons Companies (Source: The Guardian)

Originally published on The Guardian

It’s just not environmental advocates who are talking about sustainable seafood these days. Concerned chefs, supermarket executives and suppliers are taking action to ensure that seafood is responsibly sourced and served.

Tuna remains at the heart of the sustainability conversation. Some methods of tuna fishing can harm dolphins and other creatures, according to studies from groups like the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and many tuna stocks around the world have been severely depleted by overfishing.

Supermarket chain Safeway, now part of Albertsons Companies, was a pioneer in carrying sustainable seafood. In 2009, Safeway decided to develop a comprehensive sustainable seafood program, building on prior internal efforts. To do so, it partnered with FishWise, a nonprofit marine conservation organization that provides the seafood industry with tools to source and promote environmentally responsible offerings.

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