Continuing the Innovation Discussion with High-Performance Teams

Blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Company
Dec 30, 2011 8:30 AM ET

Taiga Company blog by Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner at Taiga Compa…

In an earlier post today, The Role of R&D in Sustainable Development, our sustainability consulting practice explored the frameworks of organically grown innovation.  Focusing on the characteristics of today’s leading organizations, we now expand upon this conversation to examine implementation.  How does an organization consolidate knowledge into high-performance innovation teams?

Taking the playbook from product development, our sustainability consulting leverages insights from a recent Mashable Business post, 10 Proven Strategies of High-Performance Teams.  From this text, we find an interesting perspective on information gathering as the author ponders:

“Who drives product innovation? The answer is small, entrepreneurial development teams — better known as “agile teams” in the high-tech industry.” Click here to continue reading Continuing the Innovation Discussion with High-Performance Teams. 

Home to one third of the earth's trees, the Taiga is the largest land-based biosphere and encircles the globe. Its immense oxygen production literally changes the atmosphere and refreshes the planet. It is this continuous renewal that has shaped Taiga Company's vision to drive similar change in the business world. Taiga Company seeks to be the "oxygen for your business".