Corona Accepting Plastic as Payment for Beer

There’s no question plastic has become the sustainability issue of the year. And for good reason, especially as environmental advocates such as Dame Ellen MacArthur warn there will be more plastic than fish in our world’s oceans by 2050. Companies across the spectrum are thinking up new ways to solve for the plastic crisis, from refillable moisturizer pods to graduation caps and gowns made out of recycled plastic bottles. The latest effort not only raises awareness for the severity of the plastic issue, but creates a compelling incentive to collect discarded plastic from streets and oceans.
In honor of World Oceans Day, Corona joined forces with long-term partner Parley for the Oceans to launch the “Pay with Plastic” campaign, asking consumers to trade in intercepted plastic from cities and the coast as payment for beer. The campaign, in key retailers and popular bars in Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Spain and Colombia, not only incentivizes consumers to collect plastic, but also includes on-site messaging on how to avoid plastic altogether.
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