Corporate Citizenship Conference Recap Day 1: Exploring and Celebrating the Digital Age

The first day of the 2015 International Corporate Citizenship Conference was packed with insights, discussion, and collaboration, as CSR professionals from around the world came together to network, share stories, and learn from each other—and from experts in the field. While it was a day of growth and exploration, it was also a day of celebration, as UPS and Mary Kay were both awarded the top prize for the 2015 International Corporate Citizenship Film Festival.
Finding common bondsThe work that is accomplished by networking with peers—outlining issues with existing programs or those in the early planning stages, sharing tactics and tips to advance initiatives and gain buy-in—is some of the most important work that is accomplished during the Corporate Citizenship Conference, which is why the Center goes to great lengths to create meaningful spaces for networking, both in small groups and with the larger audience.
The day began with a series of events catering to various industries, as well as some of the Center for Corporate Citizenship’s affinity groups. CSR professionals representing the manufacturing, finance, and professional services sectors gathered with their peers for Industry Summits—unique opportunities designed to expand networks and share best practices—while nearby, graduates of the Center’s Leadership Academy reunited with fellow alumni, causing a flurry of energy: exchanging anecdotes, introducing old friends to new colleagues, and catching up with their classmates and teaching fellows.
In the early evening, the disparate clusters that were meeting throughout the Hilton Austin coalesced in a larger one, as attendees filtered out of meeting rooms and lobbies for the Opening Reception, hosted by Altria, as well as the Welcome Dinner, where participants were warmly received by the Center’s Director of Membership and Member Services, Colleen Olphert, and introduced to Trisa Thompson, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at Dell—the event’s convening sponsor. Thomspon welcomed the room to Austin, and promised a engaging and information-packed event in Dell's hometown.