Covia Is Reinforcing Safe Behaviors To Foster a Performance-Driven Culture
Jun 29, 2023 10:15 AM ET

At Covia, Safety First is a core value. We take numerous steps to ensure that Safety and Health (S&H) remains a daily and consistent focus for our Team Members, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and customers. In 2022, we invested in several initiatives and programmatic improvements to underscore the importance of maintaining a Safety First mindset, improving our safety performance, and ensuring our Team Members are well-equipped to be safety leaders, every single day.
This included:
- Holding a mandatory, company-wide safety reinforcement event early in the year. The one-day event reminded everyone of the importance of safety in all aspects of our business. It allowed Team Members to learn, talk candidly, and ask questions about critical safety topics, including Covia’s Life-Saving Rules. All locations participated, and the event was hosted by our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, and Vice President of Safety & Health;
- Reinvigorating our Safety Bootcamps, which consist of four-day training sessions for new Operations Team Members, as well as refreshers for other Team Members. During the sessions, we provide detailed information on our S&H programs, company and applicable Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) policies, and our Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) investigation procedures. In addition, we educate our front-line workers and supervisors on baseline S&H expectations;
- Enhancing our S&H Workshops, which are two-day sessions for our leaders, including our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Plant Managers, and others – designed to advise them of S&H program changes, new policies, and more. In 2023, we plan to expand this offering to our frontline workers; and
- Ensuring that 100% of sites have an active safety committee, responsible for holding monthly S&H meetings to review our safety rules, policies, and procedures.
To learn more about Safety at Covia, click here.