Creating Spin-off Businesses

Production is yet to commence at Éléonore mine in Northern Quebec, but new economic and social benefits are unfolding every day. The mine already employs about 600 people, many from surrounding communities, and several enterprising businesses have popped up, including locally-owned janitorial services, outfitters and administrative services.
The economic up-cycle is a direct result of a landmark collaboration agreement between Goldcorp and the Cree Nation to create sustainable value together and share in the success of mine development and operation, which will commence later this year. Goldcorp will also fund local training, education, scholarships and commerce opportunities.
One of the thriving companies provides commercial laundering for Éléonore mine and employees. The Tawich Development Corporation and Goldcorp partnered to create Wemindji Laundry, which regularly collects loads and transports them to a facility three hours away in the town of Wemindji, where all is washed, dried, folded and then returned to the mine site. The laundry facility also provides coin-operated machines and services for the convenience of 1,300 community members.
With eight employees doing four times the business volume anticipated, Wemindji Laundry is poised to prosper more given the mine’s projected staff complement of 1,000 once fully up and running. And not only has the business created local jobs, it’s also helped Goldcorp lower maintenance costs and reduce the environmental footprint.
“Having the laundry done away from the project site means less pressure placed on the local water system” said Jean-Philippe Clement, Transport and Accommodation Coordinator at Éléonore. “It’s important for us to remember the impact of the communities and the environment around us when we are building large infrastructure…[by] doing business arrangements such as this one with the laundry we are fulfilling Goldcorp’s commitment of being ‘Responsible, Respected and Welcomed’.”