CSR Debates "Capitalism: A Love Story". A Blog by Christine Arena
Oct 13, 2009 1:00 PM ET
CSR Debates "Capitalism: A Love Story"
Jeff Klein, CEO of Cause Alliance Marketing, recently posted a story indicating why he thinks Michael Moore’s new film “Capitalism: A Love Story” leaves out an important chapter. He writes: “While some capitalists work on Wall Street, and some of those Wall Street capitalists focus on money and their personal wealth at the exclusion of nearly all other things, many other capitalists build and run companies that focus on creating value for more than just themselves. Many of the capitalists on Wall Street invest in companies for reasons beyond their own self-interest and are actively participating in the emergence of Conscious Capitalism.”
Klein is a proponent of a “contrasting, more hopeful perspective” on capitalism. He optimistically points to purpose-driven companies that create value for stakeholders as well as shareholders, and books like Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose (Wharton School Publishing: 2007).
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