CSR stakeholder differences cited in new report - A blog by Perry Goldschein

Perry Goldschein is a serial entrepreneur, marketing guy and recovering lawyer with a decade of experience in sustainability fields. Prior to SDialogue, Perry founded SRB Marketing, Inc., a full-service web marketing firm focused on sustainably-minded cli
Nov 23, 2009 9:46 AM ET

CSR stakeholder differences cited in new report

The BCCC blog recently described a new Global Education Research Network (GERN) report that reveals how stakeholder groups differ around the world, and the need to balance the variation at the local level with interests shared globally. The GERN is a network of 12 global institutions, including the Boston College Center, focused on responsible business working together.

Key findings include:

  • Many stakeholders — especially employees and consumers — are “on the fence” due to a lack of awareness about corporate citizenship and weak social movements advancing these issues.
  • Government is the most powerful and positive force for corporate citizenship globally.
  • Mainstream investors do not yet appreciate or understand the financial value of corporate citizenship.
  • Developing countries differ from developed countries in the influence of certain stakeholder groups such as socially responsible investors and ethical consumers.

The nine countries examined are: Chile, China, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States.  The report provides country-specific analysis of the levers of influence used by groups as diverse as government, investors, nongovernmental organizations, labor, media and consumers.

You can download the report for free (registration required).