Cultivating Loving Homes With Fair Trade Flowers
Oct 9, 2015 10:00 AM ET
Fair Trade Month 2015

Farmers and workers are some of the lowest paid laborers in the world, and inadequate income is just the beginning of many hardships to follow.
Joanna, a flower worker at a Fair Trade farm in Ecuador, has always dreamt of one day having her own home. In her previous job, at another flower farm down the road, this dream was never possible. She didn't earn enough to take her son to the doctor, let alone buy land to build a house on.
With Fair Trade, Joanna was able to get a small loan using Fair Trade Premium funds. This allowed her to buy a plot of land to begin building what would be not just a house, but a home for her family.
Learn more about Fair Trade flowers here, and choose Fair Trade this Fair Trade Month and beyond.