CyberGrants Announces Major Increases in Employee Engagement

ANDOVER, Mass., January 29, 2019 /3BL Media/ -- CyberGrants, the global leader in Agile Social Impact technology, announced record growth in 2018 on key Employee Engagement measures. The number of employees in the CyberGrants system and the number of gifts processed are both up significantly versus the previous year.
The number of the total employee pool eligible to donate via CyberGrants increased by more than 600,000 employees in 2018 to nearly 19 million people. Additionally, the number of payments increased at nearly four times that rate, a key measure of Employee Engagement growth. Roughly 1 in 6 people in the U.S. work force are eligible to make donations via CyberGrants.
“We’re grateful to our generous clients and their employees for another record year in 2018. Together, they donate over $5 billion dollars annually to hundreds of thousands of charities,” said Mark Layden, CyberGrants Chief Executive Officer. “We’re particularly proud of the increases in employee participation, because it shows a greater number of employees are more engaged at work which leads to increased satisfaction and productivity and decreased turnover. Additionally, with more employees donating their time and money to favorite causes, we’re able to help our clients achieve even higher levels of social impact.”
CarMax is just one of the CyberGrants clients who saw Employee Engagement increases in 2018. “Employee participation in our volunteer programs has grown over 15% since FY17. Our partnership with CyberGrants has helped us maximize employee participation throughout our giving and volunteering programs by offering simple and seamless tools that support the causes important to our people,” said Kristen Kaplan, CarMax Foundation & Community Relations.
About CyberGrants
CyberGrants gives you the most complete and trusted way to maximize the impact of your Corporate Social Responsibility efforts so you can achieve Agile Social Impact. For 20 years, our business has been to provide innovative software and services in the most secure and efficient way. We have hundreds of clients, including over half of the Fortune 100. In the last twelve months alone, we have processed over $6.5 billion and more than 50 million volunteer hours. Nearly one-third of corporate giving is processed using CyberGrants software. We connect the world’s givers of time, money and products to those who can benefit from them most. No matter how complex your needs or programs, CyberGrants is the only technology partner with a proven unified platform that can transform all of your initiatives into genuine impact.
Contact Information:
Liz Bardetti
(978) 494-8045