Delivering Responsible Real Estate Investment Opportunities
Clarion Partners believes that the sustainability and competitiveness of its properties go hand in hand.

In its fourth year, the Clarion Partners Corporate Responsibility Report outlines exactly how the firm is working to deliver against its CR mission and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.
Report highlights include:
In 2017, more than 125 employees volunteered 330 hours of time to community relations and charitable initiatives.
Clarion was among the first Commercial Real Estate (CRE) firms to join and sign a five-year commitment to the PREA Foundation’s new Real Estate Track initiative with the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO), which is dedicated to increasing diverse employment in the commercial real estate industry and hosted two interns as part of the program earlier this year.
All three of Clarion’s open-end funds earned GRESB’s Green Star Designation recognizing high scores on both the Management & Policy and Implementation & Measurement aspects of the assessment. Although the Green Star designation is based on absolute performance, it does not guarantee performance or profitability of a specific investment.
Clarion has delivered more than $26 million in efficiency investments and $20 million/13.9MW in solar power installations in recent years.
As of December 31, 2017, Clarion maintains 71 LEED certified assets and 49 ENERGY STAR labeled assets.
Clarion scored an A+ with PRI – highest possible score for implementation of responsible investment policies.
Clarion is committed to acting as a leader in responsible investing and stewardship of the environment, adhering to a CR mission that seeks exceptional investment returns by responsibly investing in and managing assets that provide healthy, safe and productive places to live, work, shop and stay.
Clarion’s CR mission supports the following goals:
Create Value. Increase revenue through strategic capital investments and reduce operating expenses through active management of properties.
Conserve Resources. Reduce energy and water consumption, and waste creation through operating improvements at our properties.
Invest in Sustainable Buildings. Integrate environmentally responsible practices throughout each investment's lifecycle.
Lead by Example. Integrate our CR approach in all aspects of operations; benchmark and communicate results; actively participate in the larger community; and engage business partners, tenants, investors and other stakeholders.
Please take a moment to read through this informative, easy-to-read report to better understand the efforts Clarion Partners is taking to make our properties, our industry and our world a better place.
Learn more:
- Visit Clarion Partners’ website
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Clarion Partners is an affiliate investment manager of Legg Mason.
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©2018 Legg Mason Investor Services, LLC. Member FINRA, SIPC. Legg Mason Investor Services, LLC and Clarion Partners, LLC are subsidiaries of Legg Mason, Inc.