As Diaper Need Awareness Grows, Kimberly-Clark and Huggies Applaud Efforts of Elected Leaders to Champion the Cause

One-in-three U.S. families struggle to provide clean, dry diapers for their baby, and Kimberly-Clark and its Huggies brand aren’t alone in asking Americans to join them during National Diaper Need Awareness Week, September 23-29, 2019. Government leaders across the United States joined the movement to end diaper need through resolutions, donations and diaper bank volunteerism in support of the National Diaper Bank Network.
Last Friday, the United States Senate unanimously passed Senate Resolution 205 “expressing the gratitude of the Senate for the people who operate or support diaper banks and diaper distribution programs in their local communities.” Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut led the effort joined by twenty fellow senators who signed on as co-sponsors.
To kick off Diaper Need Awareness Week in California, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez was joined Monday by fellow Assembly members, Tasha Boerner Horvath and Todd Gloria, at the San Diego Food Bank to announce a weeklong diaper drive and a donation match of 250,000 Huggies diapers to the food bank via the National Diaper Bank Network. The Assembly members also welcomed the community to make diaper donation drop-offs at their offices or directly to the food bank. Assemblywoman Gonzalez had authored Assembly Concurrent Resolution 122 last month to declare September 23-29 as Diaper Need Awareness Week.
“Too many families aren’t sure if they can afford the number of diapers necessary to keep their children clean and dry,” said Assemblywoman Gonzalez. “Our goal with this week’s diaper drive is to shine a light on this widespread issue, while raising donations for the San Diego Food and Diaper Bank to support local babies and their families.”
Kimberly-Clark leaders joined Wisconsin elected officials at the Fox Cities Diaper Bank in support of the Diaper Need Awareness Week. From left, Kimberly-Clark’s Collin Smyser and Rebecca Dunphey, Sen. Roger Roth, Rep. Jim Steineke, and Rep. Dave Murphy
In Wisconsin, State Senator Roger Roth and Representatives Jim Steineke and Dave Murphy joined Kimberly-Clark volunteers and leaders from the United Way Fox Cities for a diaper repack at in Neenah. The group repacked thousands of diapers in support of the Fox Cities Diaper Bank. By repacking diapers into quantities of 25 or 50 diapers, diaper banks can provide a consistent quantity of diapers to families experiencing diaper need.Huggies became the founding sponsor of the National Diaper Bank Network in 2011, which donates and distributes support to families struggling with diaper need. The National Diaper Bank Network has diaper banks in 49 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. To learn more about diaper need in America, visit