Do People in Developing Countries Have Access to Bayer Drug Products As Well?

Millions of people in developing countries have no access to medicines. In some cases they cannot afford them, while in others there simply are no markets and no functioning healthcare system. We are working to provide help in a number of ways. With our contraception access programs, for example, we aim to make self-determined family planning available to women in order to reduce maternal and infant mortality.
We have therefore been working together with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and other partners for decades. The contraceptives are manufactured specifically for these programs and provided to the aid organizations at reduced prices. Local distribution is carried out by the organizations themselves.
In 2015 alone, the donated contraceptives prevented an estimated 5 million unwanted pregnancies and 2 million abortions.
We also regularly donate our active ingredients for the treatment of African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease to the World Health Organization (WHO) for use in the fight against these neglected tropical diseases in Latin America. We have underlined our commitment to this issue by signing the London Declaration on fighting neglected tropical diseases, which is aimed at eliminating ten of these tropical diseases by 2020.
Discover further information about Bayer's commitment to global access to healthcare.