Domtar Proudly Celebrates Manufacturing Day 2019

Manufacturing has long been America’s economic engine. To honor and advocate for all manufacturers, we — along with 14,000 member companies — will join the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and The Manufacturing Institute in celebrating Manufacturing Day 2019.
NAM includes small businesses and global leaders in nearly every industrial sector and serves as a resource and advocate for manufacturers. Each year, Manufacturing Day anchors the group’s efforts to introduce young people to exciting career opportunities as manufacturing continues to innovate.
“Manufacturing Day shows what modern manufacturing looks like,” says Carolyn Lee, The Manufacturing Institute’s executive director. “This annual event helps manufacturing companies and educational institutions open their doors to students, parents, teachers, community leaders and more. Manufacturing Day shows students why they should consider a career in manufacturing and what skills manufacturing companies are looking for in job candidates.”
Several of our pulp and paper mills and personal care manufacturing facilities will celebrate Manufacturing Day 2019 by hosting tours and presentations this fall, giving students a look at the jobs available and skills needed in our industry.
Manufacturing Day 2019 Events
On September 30, our Personal Care facility in Delaware, Ohio, recognized Diaper Need Awareness Week and Manufacturing Day 2019 with a proclamation from Mayor Carolyn Kay Riggle and a tour for local leaders.
In South Carolina, our Rock Hill converting plant and our Marlboro Mill will offer tours for local high school students and community leaders.
Our Johnsonburg Mill in Pennsylvania is helping local students create an entry for the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video competition, sponsored by an area workforce development group.
In Tennessee, our Kingsport Mill is inviting students and teachers from a nearby school to visit the mill’s training room to learn about operations and careers. The visit will also include bus tours around the site.
Advocating for Common Interests
In addition to highlighting manufacturing careers, NAM advocates for the values that make industry strong, such as free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity.
“The National Association of Manufacturers gives a strong voice to more than 12 million men and women working in manufacturing across the United States, including those who work at Domtar,” says Tom Howard, Domtar’s vice president of government relations. “We share concerns and victories beyond our company or even our industry. By working together, we’re able to emphasize higher-level issues and shine a light on the people who make things in America every day.”
In addition to the American Forest and Paper Association, NAM provides very valuable assistance to companies like Domtar, representing our interests on broader (non-industry specific) issues. Trade, tariffs, tax and transportation are examples of where NAM gets involved. NAM is a great complement to Domtar’s government relations, Howard says.
NAM was founded more than 100 years ago, and some of its earliest efforts led to the creation of the U.S. Department of Commerce and helped launch the precursor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Since its inception, NAM has assisted manufacturers in government relations, communications, technological innovations and more.
During the 1990s, NAM established The Manufacturing Institute, a workforce and education partner that drives research to promote modern manufacturing and reimagine manufacturing for the future. Today, NAM continues to foster progress in industry and advance important values, often by providing expertise in advocacy, workforce development, legal action and operational excellence.
Domtar is one of thousands of NAM member companies, including 79 of the Fortune 100 manufacturers.