Driving Accountability and Progress
2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report

Edison International 2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report
Our efforts to advance DEI throughout Edison International and the communities we serve are guided by 10 commitments, which we established in 2020. In 2021 we implemented each of the 10 commitments, most of which initially focused on our Black colleagues and community. Many of the commitments will be expanded in 2022 and beyond to our broader employee population, to further our efforts to embrace all forms of diversity, including age, disability, race, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ+, religion, veteran status and diversity of thought, and to support all of our team members, partners and communities.
Greater Data Transparency / Dashboard
- Create an officer-level dashboard for continued visibility
- Provide transparency through the DEI Report
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- Dashboard rolled out to officers
- 2020 Edison International DEI Report published to Edison.com
Inclusion & Cultural Literacy Training
- Expand current training to include content on antiracism and microaggressions for all employees
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- 100% of active employees (those not on leave) participated in trainings
Talent Accelerator
- Accelerate the talent movement by pairing officers with high-potential talent; start with Black employees with plans to expand the initiative in 2022
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- Launched Talent Development Accelerator program
Talent Pipeline
- Increase Black scholarship awardees and internships
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- 13% increase in Black awardees over the prior year
Career Counseling
- Engage career counseling vendors to help employees navigate their careers at Edison International
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- 500 members of Networkers BRG1 received a set of three coaching sessions each; with positive feedback, the program was rolled out companywide
Assessment for Potential Bias in HR/ Ethics Processes
- Engage an external third party to assess key HR/ethics policies and processes for potential biases and suggest improvements based on findings
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- HR and Ethics & Compliance worked to better understand the assessment’s findings to help us implement controls for potential bias in four focus areas: Employment practices, succession planning, recruitment & retention, and the investigation of employee complaints (and resulting corrective actions). Observations were to: Review our employment policies and further define best practices, clarify succession planning and create more transparency, ensure hiring managers understand representation goals when posting jobs, and conduct regular and more in-depth demographic analysis of compliance cases.
Greater Data Transparency
- Issue annual Economic Impact Report to capture contributions of supplier diversity spend (e.g., jobs, wages, taxes)
- Issue Community Impact Report to provide details of corporate philanthropic giving
- 2021 Accomplishments:
Industry/External Partnership & Allyship
- Join the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Energy Equity campaign
- Commit incremental $1 million shareholder funding over next five years to advance racial equity in our communities
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- Joined AABE Energy Equity campaign and identified a company representative to participate in meetings
- $240,000 of $1 million commitment allocated to 14 organizations selected (seven Black-led and seven other diverse)
Edison International Lineworker Scholarship Program
- Commit $1 million shareholder funding to pilot a four-year annual scholarship program supporting lineworker students to expand diversity in the skilled craft workforce pipeline, with an initial focus on attracting Black participants
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- Scholarship awards up to $25,000 per awardee to attend Los Angeles Trade-Tech College’s six-month program to receive a Powerline Mechanic Certificate as well as additional assistance to support their success during the program
Marketplace Development & Supplier Diversity
- Commission marketplace study to assess availability of diverse businesses in procurement categories where we have needs Use findings to inform access and spend targets, with an emphasis on Black-owned businesses
- 2021 Accomplishments:
- 2021 Marketplace Development & Supplier Diversity Report published and shared with the California Public Utilities Commission Executive Division; we will use this information to inform our category strategies relative to diversity and inclusion within SCE’s Supply Chain
View the full 2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report here.
1 Networkers BRG promotes diversity, advances career enhancement strategies and provides targeted coaching, mentoring and support to the company’s Black employees.