Driving High-Impact Through More Strategic Partnerships
By Steve Delfin

Driving High-Impact Through More Strategic Partnerships
A sea change is occurring in the philanthropic and social mission space in response to the scarcity of and competition for resources. Government funding of charity (which some estimate represents 30 percent or more of all funds going to nonprofits), is dropping with no end in sight. The funding that remains will increasingly be based on an evidence-based approach focused on finding those charitable programs that actually work, are scalable, replicable and sustainable in ways that achieve maximum social impact.
Similarly corporate philanthropy offices are seeking ways to be more strategic in their giving as they are increasingly under the gun to demonstrate the tangible outcomes of their efforts including more evidence that funding and resources are being directed to charities that are accountable, show evidence of their impact, and have potential to scale.
As an organization that sits at the nexus of employer-charity interactions, America’s Charities sees how both employers and charities are struggling with this new reality as evidenced by our 2014 Snapshot Report.