Driving Real Impact Around the World
Gen releases 2023 Social Impact Report

By Kim Allman, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Government Affairs
Today is an exciting day at Gen: we’ve launched our first Social Impact Report as a new global company with a family of trusted Cyber Safety brands. Our social impact work is essential in bringing equity, opportunities and safety to the next generation of digital life. As the report showcases, Gen positively impacts people and communities all over the world. I’m proud to share a look at what our teams have been up to this past year and where we plan to go next.
I’m driven by the opportunity to bring social impact into every part of Gen. It's incredibly motivating to see the company come together across departments – DEI, recruitment, talent development, global health and wellness, legal, product, brand and marketing – as well as across geographies. Everyone is pulling together to make a real difference. Our people feel they have an active stake in the program. We’re united in our community-minded values and passion for powering Digital Freedom.
A big part of our social impact strategy focuses on helping children, families, and vulnerable people stay safe online, and eliminating the gender gap in tech by helping women advance their cybersecurity careers. This year, we reached 2.8 million people with Cyber Safety education and training. This reach was made possible by our partnerships with nonprofits like the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Save the Children India, the National Network to End Domestic Violence, LifeSmarts, National PTA and more.
I’m also proud of the culture of giving we’ve been able to establish at Gen. In 2023, we hosted our first Global Volunteer Day at sites around the world with hundreds of employees. Collectively, our teams spent more than 4,700 hours volunteering to make a difference in their communities.
At Gen, we intentionally foster an inclusive workplace and culture. We partner with organizations that empower women in tech, like Czechitas and Women4Cyber. Globally, 32% of the Gen employees are women.
We work to operate a low carbon business and to inspire our employees to care for the planet. Today, 98% of our products are delivered digitally and less than 0.5% of the material used in our physical products contains plastic. Through our Sustainable Home Improvement Program, employees can receive cash incentives for home improvement projects that help reduce environmental impacts. More than 780 projects were completed by employees in 2023.
You can learn more about how Gen is committed to making the world a better, safer place in our 2023 Social Impact Report.
Gen™ is a global company dedicated to powering Digital Freedom with a family of trusted consumer brands including Norton, Avast, LifeLock, Avira, AVG, ReputationDefender and CCleaner.