Duke Energy Named Corporate Champion for Women and Children

On Oct. 22, Duke Energy was recognized as a Corporate Champion for Women and Children by GFWC of North Carolina. The award recognizes corporations and businesses for their outstanding support of women and children’s issues in local communities throughout North Carolina.
At Duke Energy, we believe that investing in education and workforce development is an investment in our future, because today’s students are tomorrow’s business leaders. We focus our efforts to champion women and children through two key ways: education and workforce development. Our investments in early childhood literacy, STEM education and workforce development help build the diverse workforce our businesses require to thrive.
Through the Duke Energy Foundation, we provide philanthropic support to address the needs of the communities where our customers live and work. In 2017, the Foundation provided more than $33 million in charitable grants. Our philanthropic investments in education span the kindergarten-to-career spectrum. By supporting childhood literacy programs, we aim to bridge the achievement gap and end the cycle of poverty. By fostering an interest in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields for students, our communities will continue growing and producing skilled workers who bring new thinking and innovation to our lives. Workforce development initiatives help ensure local businesses have a pipeline of talent and a diverse workforce.
Volunteerism is an integral part of Duke Energy's commitment to our communities. Our employees and retirees help build and nurture the places we call home through gifts to various community programs and by volunteering their time and efforts. In 2017, employees and retirees gave nearly $10 million in charitable contributions and more than 100,000 volunteer hours in our communities. We will continue to build upon the legacy of our founders, whose dedication to community service and education has continued to enhance the regions where Duke Energy serves.
The GFWC of North Carolina (GFWC-NC), a non-profit volunteer organization for women founded in 1902, is dedicated to the improvement of the communities in which we live. This state-wide federation, with nearly 3,000 members, contributes thousands of volunteer service hours and a half million or more dollars throughout the state each year in the areas of Art, Conservation, Domestic Violence, Education, Home Life, Public Issues and International Outreach. GFWC-NC is a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), one of the largest non-denominational women's volunteer organizations in the world, founded in 1890.
Learn more about Duke Energy’s philanthropic programs at https://www.duke-energy.com/community/duke-energy-foundation.