Earth Day 2015: How National Grid is Making a Difference (Commentary)
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Ken Daly is president of National Grid New York.
By Ken Daly
These days, as we experience extreme weather patterns and witness dramatic changes unfolding around the world, most of us think about our planet every day, not just on Earth Day. We think about how to sustain the earth, how to respect and restore it, how each of us can make changes that will make a difference -- while we're here and long after.
Because we deliver electricity and natural gas to more than 4 million customers across New York, National Grid is uniquely responsible for protecting our environment and improving energy efficiency. We're solidly committed to creating a sustainable future for our customers and communities. A few ways we're bringing that commitment to life in our state are:
• Volunteering -- hundreds of our employees are participating in Earth Day events and activities throughout the year to make a difference in our communities.
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