Ecocentricity Blog: Greta
By: John A. Lanier

I’m going to take this week off, but PLEASE take a moment to watch this video. Maybe some of you saw it, but I think everyone should see it.
Wow. Just wow. Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish girl, and she is remarkable. I’ve never seen anyone more direct, honest, clearsighted, and committed. If she spoke for just herself, her words would be powerful.
But she does not speak for herself. She speaks for millions of young people who see the climate crisis as the issue of their generation. She speaks for billions more who have not yet been born unto this world, but who most certainly will be.
And she speaks for me. I could not have said those words, because I lack the strength and character of this child. Greta, thank you for speaking them. Thank you for having the courage to speak them.