Ecocentricity Blog: Talk Walking
May 29, 2018 11:45 AM ET
Ecocentricity Blog
Ecocentricity Blog: Talk Walking
This blog post is going to be about “walking the talk,” but you will have to wait a moment. Shenanigans come first. And this week, your daily recommended dosage of shenanigans comes in the form of a Reddit post centered on a question that is crucial to understanding the meaning of life.
What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
We aren’t linking to the thread because…well…it turned not-PG in a hurry. But here are some of the best PG answers:
- Microwaves = Heaty Eaties
- Wigs = Hairy Wearies
- Limousines = Roomy Vroomies
- Forks = Stabby Grabbies
- Defibrillators = Hearty Starties