Ecocentricity Blog: The Triple Bottom Line Approach
By: John A. Lanier

Ecocentricity Blog: The Triple Bottom Line Approach
I’m taking the week off, and this time I’ll just point you to another thing that I wrote! My friends at the Georgia Social Impact Collaborative were kind enough to host a guest blog of mine about the triple bottom line. I hope you enjoy, and I’ll be back next week.
Reprinted from Georgia Social Impact Collaborative:
I wonder how linguists feel when they hear frequently misused words and idioms. Is it like nails on a chalkboard, or do they find this vernacular normalization to be fascinating? Do they ever accidentally use them, or avoid them like the plague? Do they feel a compulsion to inform the speaker of their misstep, or let the mistakes just pass by? Irregardless…er…I mean……regardless, as a non-linguist myself, I am quite tickled when I hear them pop up.
My favorite one is “I could care less.” It literally means the opposite of the intended and correct expression “I couldn’t care less.” That one is rather tickle-inducing. Runners up in my book include “for all intensive purposes” (it should be “for all intents and purposes”) and “they did a 360” (it should be “they did a 180,” as in degrees, unless you mean they did not change at all).
There is another commonly misused phrase, this time from the world of environmental sustainability, and I have to admit that I’m a bit less tickled when I hear it incorrectly utilized: the triple bottom line.
I wrote a book! Mid-Course Correction Revisited is on sale now. Check it out.