Edison International 2018 Sustainability Report: Leading the Transformation to Clean Energy

Read Edison International's 2018 Sustainability Report
Clean Energy
A clean energy future starts with clean electricity. At SCE, we’re charting a path toward an 80% carbon-free electricity supply by 2030, supported by energy storage. At Edison Energy,* we’re helping the largest energy users meet their renewable energy and sustainability goals.
Cleaning the Power System
SCE is a national leader in clean energy and delivers power with only half of the GHG emissions per unit of electricity compared to the estimated U.S. average. In 2018, 46% of electricity that SCE delivered to customers came from carbonfree resources,6 more than halfway to the 80% we estimate is needed by 2030 to meet California’s climate change goals.
Close to 80% of this carbon-free electricity, which makes up 36% of SCE’s total, came from eligible renewable resources, which help to meet California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard requirements.7 The Smart Electric Power Alliance has named SCE a national leader in solar since it began publishing solar rankings in 2007. In 2018, SCE customers added around 400 megawatts (MW) of solar to the grid.
Read Edison International's full 2018 Sustainability Report here.
*Edison Energy is not the same company as Southern California Edison, the utility, and Edison Energy is not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission.
6This percentage does not include renewable energy from customer-sited rooftop solar.
7 Eligible renewable resources are defined by statute and the California Energy Commission. Retail sellers of electricity in California, including investor-owned utilities, electricity service providers, and community choice aggregators, and publicly owned utilities are required to serve 33% of their load with eligible renewables by 2020 and 60% by 2030.