Edison International 2019 Sustainability Report: Clean Energy

Edison International 2019 Sustainability Report
Our Energy Supply
SCE is a national leader in clean energy. An estimated 48% of the power we delivered to customers in 2019 came from carbonfree sources.2 Of that, approximately 73% (35% of total delivered power) came from renewable resources eligible under
California’s RPS requirements.3 In 2019, our delivered power emitted approximately 45% fewer GHG emissions per unit of electricity compared to the U.S. national average. Between 2005 and 2019, SCE’s GHG emissions from delivered power fell by an estimated 48% due to increased renewable energy in our portfolio.
In 2019, SCE was named a leader in solar by the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), for the 12th consecutive year. We were also named as the top electric utility for the second year in a row for annual energy storage capacity. Our customers are playing an important role in the transition to renewable energy. Learn more about how we’re supporting customer adoption of carbon-free energy technologies.
1Edison Energy is not the same company as Southern California Edison, the utility, and Edison Energy is not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. 2See Sustainability Scorecard for more details. This percentage does not include renewable energy from customer-sited rooftop solar. 3 Eligible renewable resources are defined by statute and the California Energy Commission (CEC). Retail sellers of electricity in California, including investor-owned utilities, electricity service providers, community choice aggregators and publicly owned utilities are required to serve 33% of their load with eligible renewables by 2020 and 60% by 2030.