Edison International Annual Sustainability Report
Edison International’s 2017 Sustainability Report highlights movement on clean energy pathway

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Edison International has released its 2017 Sustainability Report reflecting its sustainability strategy and 2017 sustainability performance and related metrics. The report covers Edison International’s work to bring about a clean energy future and to operate its businesses with excellence by focusing on customers, communities and employees.
“We’re committed to a sustainable future for all of our stakeholders, which is why we’re leading the way on clean energy and doing our part to respond to broader societal challenges like climate change,” said Pedro Pizarro, president and CEO of Edison International. “I’m proud of the work we do and the partnerships we’ve built to serve our customers with the long-term view in mind.”
Key 2017 sustainability achievements outlined in the report include:
Partnering with California to achieve climate change and air pollution goals
- Delivered 46 percent carbon-free electricity to Southern California Edison customers
- Installed infrastructure for 803 electric vehicle charge ports
- Averaged 3,574 residential solar installations per month
Operating and serving with excellence
- Achieved a seven-year record low for the average outage duration for customers (SAIDI score)
- Maintained the lowest system average rate of California’s investor-owned utilities
- Kept customer monthly bills 27 percent below the national average
Received national recognition as a “best place to work” for diversity practices, disability equality and LGBT equality
Edison International’s commitment to sustainability helps it deliver Energy for What’s Ahead to its customers, communities and employees. Read more about the company’s Clean Power and Electrification Pathway vision to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants and see its 2017 Sustainability Report.
About Edison International
Edison International (NYSE:EIX), through its subsidiaries, is a generator and distributor of electric power, as well as a provider of energy services and technologies, including renewable energy. Headquartered in Rosemead, Calif., Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison, one of the nation’s largest electric utilities. Edison International is also the parent company of Edison Energy, a portfolio of competitive businesses that provide commercial and industrial customers with energy management and procurement services. Edison Energy is independent from Southern California Edison.