Enabling Business Contributions to the Global Biodiversity Framework
A synthesis discussion paper for businesses and policymakers (V0.1)

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) (also known as "The Biodiversity Plan") was adopted in Montreal in December 2022 under the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) at its fifteenth Conference of Parties (COP15) and consists of four overarching goals and 23 action targets. This landmark agreement sets out global ambition and policy direction for all signatories.
Governments are now developing their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to demonstrate how they will contribute to the overarching framework. Businesses will play a critical role in the development and implementation of credible NBSAPs and in the overall success of achieving the GBF.
This report aims to set out the current challenges around business engagement in the GBF, synthesize existing guidance on this topic and provide an indication of the type of actions that businesses can take to support attainment of the 23 GBF targets.
Enabling business contributions to the Global Biodiversity Framework
A synthesis discussion paper for businesses and policymakers (V0.1)
Mapping of Business Contributions to GBF and NBSAPs
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