Energy & Sustainability Goal Setting: Climate Action

Download the full goal setting guide
Ambitious Climate Action – Science-Based Targets
Led by the Science-Based Targets Initiative, a collaboration between CDP, the UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF
Launched in 2015, the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) champions science-based carbon reduction target setting. Science-based targets (SBTs) specify how much and how quickly companies need to reduce GHG emissions to avoid a global temperature increase when compared to pre-industrial levels. The SBTI framework is the most comprehensive and rigorous available to companies seeking to rapidly decarbonize, and the SBTI also offers resources, workshops and guidance to reduce barriers to sustainable action.
Download the Energy & Sustainability Goal-Setting: Your Guide to 7 Top Standards eBook here to read the full SBTI GlaxoSmithKline case study.