Essity and McDonald's Are Closing the Loop for Paper Cups in Germany
Beverage, milkshake and ice cream cups will be re-used to make professional hygiene paper under Essity’s leading Tork brand.

Originally published on Essity newsroom
Hygiene and health company Essity and McDonald’s are writing circular history with a recycling project that turns used paper cups into a new resource. Starting in 2020, the project consisting of a team from Essity, logistics partner HAVI, and McDonald’s Deutschland LLC, has piloted different opportunities to give paper cup waste a new life.
The pilot showed that Essity can successfully use the paper cups, after they have been shredded, as material for some of their mills and turn them into Tork branded toilet paper.
“It’s exciting to work with our customers on sustainability projects like this. Combining our recycling technology and knowledge of circular services with McDonald’s Deutschland LLC sustainability ambitions is enabling a future business model that helps to close the loop” says Don Lewis, President Essity Professional Hygiene.
All collected paper cup waste from McDonald’s sites in Germany will be recycled, reducing waste by estimated 1,200 tons per year. This agreement is a win for both companies as it helps to cut the waste and carbon footprint for McDonald’s Deutschland LLC while Essity is able to fulfill its own circular ambitions.
The solution is an extension of the Tork PaperCircle® recycling service, which is Essity’s award winning circular service for recycling used paper towels into toilet paper.