Essity ESAVE Celebrates its 10th Anniversary - So Much More Than Just an Energy Savings Program

This year, we celebrate ten years of ESAVE – Essity's energy savings program. However, its more than just a program, it's about a way of working.
Thanks to our dedicated employees and strong collaboration between our manufacturing sites and the ESAVE team, we've achieved this:
How do we do it?
All our manufacturing sites are connected via a best practice data base, in which they share positive examples of how to run equipment more sustainably. The best practices are then implemented and built upon in other sites, enabling a continuous cycle of improvements. Its relatively simple but relies heavily upon our employees – these impressive achievements are down to them!
Why it's so important
In an energy-intensive production process like Tissue making and with soaring raw material and energy costs, as well as costly CO2 emissions certificates, ESAVE plays a key role in remaining competitive.
At the same time as contributing to the cost-saving program, ESAVE helps us take care of the environment. Small investments can generate big savings both in terms of reducing costs and reducing emissions and energy consumption.
In summary, ESAVE is a great example of how we, as a leading hygiene and health company, deliver superior financial results whilst caring for our customers, consumers, the environment and one another – and it will be even more important moving forwards.