Essity's 2018 Sustainability Report

Download Essity's Annual and Sustainability Report 2018
This is Essity
Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company. We improve people’s well-being through our products and services.
Sales are conducted in approximately 150 countries under the globally leading brands TENA and Tork, and other strong brands, such as JOBST, Leukoplast, Libero, Libresse, Lotus, Nosotras, Saba, Tempo, Vinda and Zewa.
Essity is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Our Business Areas
Personal Care
Essity is a leading global player in personal care. Our offering includes Incontinence Products, Baby Care, Feminine Care and Medical Solutions. In the market for incontinence products, Essity is the global market leader and the Group holds strong market positions in baby care, feminine care and medical solutions.
Consumer Tissue
Essity is the world’s second largest supplier of consumer tissue. Our offering includes toilet paper, household towels, handkerchiefs, facial tissues, wet wipes and napkins.
Professional Hygiene
Essity is the world’s largest supplier of products and services in the market for professional hygiene. Our offering comprises complete hygiene solutions, including toilet paper, paper hand towels, napkins, hand soap and dispensers.
Download Essity's Annual and Sustainability Report 2018 here and learn more about their mission, values, and strengths.