Essity's Journey to Net Zero: For the Well-Being of People and Planet

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Climate change is the defining issue of our time. Its effects are far-reaching and global. It is also one of the greatest risks to our business. Everyone needs to act now.
We have always worked with sustainability at the core of our business, knowing that what´s good for the people and planet is also good for our business. As one of the world’s leading hygiene and health companies, we have the scale and the reach to take action and contribute to collective action.
We are presenting our journey to achieve net-zero by 2050 whilst our business continues to grow to improve health and hygiene worldwide. We have worked with sustainability for a long time, and already have a good track record in reducing emissions. Building on our near-term target for 2030, we will speed and scale up our actions using our expertise, commitment and innovations in order to reach the 2050 ambition.
Still, no single company can take on this task alone. Therefore, we cooperate with suppliers, customers, consumers, governments, NGO´s, experts and industry peers to drive the change we so urgently need. As a part of this we have joined the Science Based Targets initiative, the UN´s Race to Zero and the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign.
I invite you to learn more and be part of our journey to net-zero./Magnus Groth, CEO and President